Dress Resale

Swan Valley High School & Hemlock High School are putting on a 

Formal Dress Resale

Have gently used formal dresses you need to get rid of? Or are you looking for a prom dress for the upcoming year? Come check out the Formal Dress Resale!

When: Saturday, January 18th noon-5pm


Sunday, January 19th 12pm-3pm

Dress Dropoff will be on Jan 18th from 10am - 11:30am

Dress Pickup will be on Jan. 19th from 3pm-4pm

Where: Hemlock High School Student Center 

Drop off & price your dresses you wish to sell. If your dress sells, there will be a small fee for SVHS and HHS. Donations are also welcome to support SVHS and HHS Student Council.

Shop around for other beautiful dresses for Prom, Coming Home, or Homecoming! 

Any questions, contact Mrs. Strachota at strachota@hemlockps.com or Mrs. Baldwin at vbaldwin@svsd.us.   Hope to see you there!