
At Hemlock Public School District, we are all about high expectations and holding ourselves accountable to deliver the highest quality education and services possible. The hard-working people at Hemlock Public School District have made the impossible look easy to many of us, and it simply isn’t. Our staff district-wide has come together to provide our students and families with options, with face-to-face and remote learning, with services like food service and transportation, and our students with extracurricular activities as able. We have done this with little disruption up to this point, but we face unknowns as COVID-19 cases rise and generate close contact quarantine situations for staff and students.  

A wise person once said, “unrealistic expectations are premeditated resentment.” We need to make sure you understand the road ahead has lots of potential for inconvenience, frustration, and uncertainty. The good news is we are not in this alone; the whole Huskie Pack is in this together, and we will continue to make great things happen together for our students and families no matter the challenges we face together. We ask that everyone dial their expectation meters with the realities we face in the coming weeks and months. No doubt, there will be potential opportunities for inconveniences, frustration, and uncertainty.